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Possibilities for Girls Just for Marriage

Postado por Ridson Souza em 14 de abril de 2021
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Girls designed for marriage can be described as practice that has been prevalent generally in most cultures in Asia for hundreds of years. Many cultures have different beliefs and norms when it comes to relationship. These nationalities as well differ in terms of marrying young women. In some parts, girls will be married off at a really early age. Nevertheless , this practice is not really practiced in other areas where women are given apart at an extremely tender their age like 4. Reasons for kid marriage range between one tradition to another.

The explanations vary from way of life to tradition. In some areas, the data confirmed that socio-cultural factors just like exchange and betrothal of females just for marriage were very common especially in less produced parts in the North part of Asia. Even the parents of the young lady decide to take care of the child on their own and the couple wed when they are betrothed. But in a large number of parts of Asia like Indonesia, Thailand, Israel, Malaysia and Singapore parents of girls frequently give all their girls in marriage with their own father and mother.

There are some parts in which the tradition is that the women’s parents give her apart in marital life while her brothers get married to her. In Indonesia, in the event the girl can be pregnant her brothers will not permit her head to school through the period of her pregnancy. In the event she goes out during this period, her brother are not able to marry her. Parents of ladies are also more keen to let their daughters get pregnant before they get married to early.

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